Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Steller discussion at Stella Maris

From Shea Ketchum:

Just coming from Stella Maris college where we had an interesting dialogue with second year social work students. The discussion of women's rights in India was very different then what I as a western minded woman imagined. These women know they are living in a strict patriarchal society and yet, instead of resisting as I would, they more or less go along with it. When asked what plans they had for their life in the next ten years most all planned to be married, only a few intended to continue study. This response prompted a question from me, do any of the girls not want to be married. Despite being given the choice to not marry, they all seemed to desire it.
Another surprising reaction was when the students were asked how having a female chief minister had impacted their lives. All of the students agreed that she was no different then other politicians playing to the minority voters. She did not get into office by breaking boundaries but by following the rules. In the US when a woman is elected to any major office it is celebrated but the reaction here seems almost apathetic.
It is good to see women progressing here in India beyond the boundaries of tradition and I believe there is more to come.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you guys would be making your way back to the hotel before dinner?
